2017 Lunar New Year Extravaganza

Come join us for a fun-filled event! 一齊黎迎金雞, 過肥年!
December 19, 2016
一年一度的花市已圓滿結束, 在此感謝一路支持文化中心各畀人土包括:贊助商、社團、傳媒、義工及點問頓市民! 祝 身體健康! 心想事成! Special …
January 30, 2017

We are excited to announce the 2017 Lunar New Year Extravaganza will take place at the West Edmonton Mall – Mayfield Toyota Ice Palace on January 14 and 15. Our event at the West Edmonton Mall will once again be a two-day fun-filled extravaganza that includes entertainment and countless number of sales and exhibition booths. Come and celebrate with us!


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